Saturday, March 14, 2020

10 Resume Tips From a Legal Recruiter - Your Career Intel

10 Resume Tips From a Legal Recruiter - Your Career IntelSeeking a career in law? A stellar legal rsum is key. A legal resume is in simple format and states your work history, academics, and on occasion, your publications. It does notlage need to include too much fluff and should be easy to read.As an executive senior partner in Lucas Groups legal division, I have made numerous placements with law firms and in-house counsel with companies. I know how much an effective resume matters in this profession. Below are ten curated legal rsum tips that will help yours stand out.1. Keep it simple fancy rsums distract from the content. It also should not state an objective or have a summary at the top.2. It needs to be easy to read, preferably with bullets or in paragraph format. I also recommend a simple template.3. Its essential to have your rsum tailored to the position that you are applying to. Recruiters will usually not consider rsums that appear generic or too general.4. Brag Your rsum should highlight accomplishments and outstanding academics.5. Always state your academic achievements. Things that help rsums stand out are a high GPA or class rank.6. Conversely, do not include your GPA or class rank if it is not impressive, or even if its just average.7. Include bullets that state not only the subject matter of your practice but also your involvement in the transaction/case.8. If you have a clerkship or impressive internship (for example, with the SEC), then be sure to list it.9. Proof read Ensure there are no typos or grammatical errors. Also, be consistent with periods at end of bullets either have them on all of the bullets or do not include them at all.10. Professionalism is key. Never put your picture on your rsum. Also, never have the font in different colors and keep fonts consistent.Writing a legal rsum is straight forward if you follow these tips. The most effective ones are simple and make it easy to identify the applicants most impressive achievements. What are your top tips for writing a legal rsum?

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